Friday, November 23, 2018

The Visit to the Countess' Castle : The Rainbow's Concert of Lotfi Bouslah

A powerful visual image like a beautiful painting or a striking photograph can evoke an auditory sensation for the person who sees the image, which probably goes back to pre - historic times : a council surrounds the chant of the chief of the tribe while another member, high in the hierarchy of the clan, with a rhythmic gesture and in perfect synchronicity with the words of the chief, under the light of lit torches, touches a wall of the sacred cavern that has sacred drawings, to underline like a drum, the importance of the spiritual voice and its message. The world of dance, continues since thousands of years, this need to hear and see, like opera, theatre, cinema, video in the world of the Internet. To see and to hear, there is magic in their presentation.
November 9th, the nature photographer of Lolo Pics, Lotfi Bouslah, shared a photo that is a symphony of colours with touches of a concerto, a hypnotizing photo of a magnificent rainbow, that as the title on the part of the photographer announces " visits the castle of the Countess ", in Bejaia, a historical building situated in Aokas, on the west coast, in a zone bordering between Bejaia and Baccaro, the neighbouring region. Built in 1890 by a French general, this castle is part of the cultural patrimony of Aokas.
The definition of a concerto is described as a musical composition in which a single instrument is accompanied by an orchestra or a harmony. In the photo of Lotfi Bouslah, the solo instrument is a magnificent rainbow that like a huge violin invades the garden of the castle, landing without hesitation at the foot of a palm tree. The energy of the brilliant and powerful light of the rainbow touches the garden like lightening in a storm. The rainbow declares its love for the castle and its secrets, like an overture of a concerto that is introduced with these words : " Once upon a time, there was a Countess... " which arouses the curiosity and imagination of the audience. The photo is a sublime visual and emotional seduction. We are drawn into its world, its mystery. The rainbow embraces the mystery of the Castle of the Countess, and it is in fact, a double rainbow, that makes its entrance at the foot of the palm tree to the left of the photo and the castle, and that ends on the right side, at the other side of the castle and the garden. The rainbow declares its love in this way, for the person associated with the castle, and even though the Countess has not lived there for a very long time, the castle retains her aura, and this aura is powerful enough to initiate this dramatic visit on the part of the intriguing phenomenon that is a rainbow. The surrounding nature maintains a discrete presence, even the castle modestly closes the eyes of its windows, but this does not discourage the intense colours and energy of the rainbow that persists, like a desperate lover, to visit the castle who plays the evasive coquette.
Lotfi Bouslah's photo is a whole concerto, with the rainbow playing the role of the lover, and the aura of the Countess playing the role of the careless and capricious loved one, and us the audience, being enchanted by the dramatic atmosphere created by the garden, the tempestuous sky, the enigmatic castle, the blinding and exotic costume of the rainbow and the desire on the part of the audience to imagine themselves as either the lover or the beloved, with the passionate music of the violins dancing around the soloist, who in our captured imagination the magical rainbow has become, who with its splendour has made us forget for a good hypnotizing moment, concrete time and its contrite realities.
Trudi Ralston 

The information on the Castle of the Countess, courtesy of Wikipedia and courtesy of nature photographer Lotfi Bouslah.   

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