Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Tether

Time passes cast between the rhythm of shadow and light
my own steps and yours a world apart.

Time a structure solid and stern, a bridge unmovable
across a vast expanse measuring carefully our paths.

As we each follow our measure in destiny's hands.
Time a general with a solid, steady plan.

For many years I found myself searching for a way
to be allowed entrance to the gate the bridge held fast

Jealous of each stone and window in its imposing mass.
Silence undecided as its guardian when nighttime dreams

Would allow me a stolen glance along the bridge's windows
and their visitors within, you among them, a stranger

To my voice and eyes.

But time got weary and softened its granite hold,
As now our messages pass freely like doves

Taking delighted flight between the castles
that divide the bridge's grasp, now time

A friend, a fellow passenger tolerant
of the gentle tether that has been allowed.

Trudi Ralston.
October 14th, 2014.
For a friendship that has stood the test of time.
For D.O.

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