Monday, February 26, 2018

Beyond the Great Expanse of the Floating Sky

Beyond the great expanse of the floating sky, what breathes that I can hear but do not see?
Huge above, around, a balloon caught and set free once upon a long ago introduction of time,
we are inside the traveller's dream, not sure which way the silent wind will blow.

I stretch and reach up high, to push a squeaking dent in the clouds above, stretched far above my
squinting eyes.

Beyond the great expanse of the floating sky, I walk on flying feet, where yesterday and tomorrow sing in fractured harmonies that bounce off  my fingertips and the wings of spring's arriving birds.
A shadow that grows like a wired weed larger with each sunset, clouds the horizon all around.

Do you remember when the sun felt soft to the touch, and butterflies were many, as were bees
nourishing our flowers and our souls, when hope came easy as a summer breeze, and the poison
of despair seemed far away from heart and mind?

Beyond the great expanse of the floating sky, what rattles and comes near bringing chains
dipped in blood and fear ?
As the balloon drifts out of sight, and with it all colour, joy and beauty lost inside, a rainbow out
of place and time.

Trudi Ralston.

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