Thursday, February 25, 2016

La Jaula

El sol entra aqui, de dia y de noche,
la cancion en mi alma fuerte y feliz.
Las estrellas y la luna bailando en silencio
encima de mi ventana.

Las abejas visitan las flores en el jardin,
y el perfume que dejan animan mi corazon.
El cielo azul y brillante sonrie con ojos lleno de luz.
Aqui no quedan paredes frios ni cadenas crueles.

Las alas las tengo, si, las tengo, como lo notaras.
La risa, la tengo, no se puede negar.
La energia, la tengo, escucha me pues.
La felicidad florece en mi, asi que la paz.

La llave no me la has dejado donde puedo tocarla.
Abrir la puerta me cuesta, los dedos los tengo sangrientos,
el sabor de mis lagrimas sal con mis comidas y mi agua.
Tu me abandonaste con tus sonrisas mentirosas, tu amor amargo y vacio.

Como uno transporta un animal que ya no se quiere,
tu me dejaste sola con mis paredes de cemento, donde si encontre
una ventanita de misericordia y la alegria de la esperanza. 

Me tomara el resto de mi vida de dejar detras mis heridas y mis peasadillas,
pero ya vuelo como pajaro libre en mi arte y mis poemas,
y algun dia mis alas si me llevaran lejos, y libre de ti y la llave ya no la necesitare.  

Trudi Ralston.
February 25th, 2016.
Todos hemos sufrido en alguna o otra manera
de las heridas que puede dejar el egoismo
al carino y al amor. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Still Waters

Still waters run deep, so the saying goes,
and that depth is vast and rich, it is so believed.
Diving into the richness is where treasure can be found.

It is true that still waters can be intriguing, hiding silently
nights of fog and moon shy nights, blinding day's light
under mossy crevasses and shiny, smooth rock.

But still waters run also dark, making diving there
a risky job, and a clear path is elusive and unsure.
Like the octopus's ink, perception is easily lost.

Clear waters babble like springtime brooks,
running along the surface where fresh grass grows,
and frogs sing their love's delight under starry skies.

The fog lifts easily on bright, shallow water,
and flowers grow where bees take flight on honeyed wings,
while deep below still waters silence the sun's reach.

So it is with the human heart, some run deep and dark,
some sing with the warmth of summer's joy,
while others still walk the tightrope between night's shade and dawn's spark.

It is a mystery only Cupid could conceive to make the two decide
to walk the same path, presenting no end to love's challenges on this taxing raft.
On this stage where the dueling sailors long for the forgiving shore,
the gods take bets with impatient clocks.   

Trudi Ralston.
February 23th, 2016.
For all those brave souls who dared the leap
into the uncertain waters of love's coves and waterfalls. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Until That River Runs Dry

Sorrow is a treasure chest we choose to hide deep inside our soul
making sure it stays tight and shut, so no more pain can leak out.

But there are those moments, and there are those days, that the water
of fresh tears pries open that locked away box, sunk so deep into the ocean of our loss.

The tears flow free, red and stinging, like a rose's petals floating to the top.
Love of parents, love of child, love of spouse or friend full of unseen thorns.

But the heart is strong, the heart is brave, has no fear when love's battlefield calls,
so the tears will flow freely, wild and fierce, determined to reach the shore where peace will heal.

So until there are no more tears to be shed, no more strength to be harnessed, no more breath to fight,
the waters of courage will flow, bending turns and storms, until at last, that proud river runs dry.

Until that time, wounds old and new will hurt and those salty, warm tears will find their way home.
Because the human heart is fierce when it loves beyond betrayal and pain, and it keeps on beating far longer than it can endure or comprehend, sewing up cuts, mending regrets, as it is allowed one more journey along the river of time.

So until that river runs dry, we choose to love, we choose to believe as the red petals of sorrow's roses
accumulate in the water that tells the story of our tears.

Trudi Ralston.
February 16th, 2016.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Dragonfly

Resting on my kitchen windowsill amid the small pieces of pottery
sits a beautiful brown dragonfly who drowned last summer in our pool,
barely having broken the cold water spanning around him like a bright invisible net.

It was an exceptionally hot day, the sun blinding above, insects searching
in the air and on the ground for some way to quench their thirst.
I waded into the pool, wiping the sweat from my face, anticipating the cool
glow of a welcome swim, when I noticed the big dragonfly nearby seemingly at rest.

I quickly realized the insect was dead, its marvelous wings weighed and silent.
I felt a sadness at the loss of this intriguing wonder of aerodynamic engineering,
victim of our pool's cold water, a beautiful trap with no escape once entry was found.
The dragonfly's big eyes having seen things I could only dream about, there high in the skies.

So often our strength is not enough, when faced with an obstacle we cannot comprehend,
and if a helping hand is not around to save us in time, our dreams and energy are drowned
and left dead, erased, gone for all time.

I keep the dragonfly on my bright orange sill, as a reminder to try to always be kind.
No matter the bravado of those around us, near or far, we do not know how close they
might be to drown unless we lend a helping hand, by word or deed, to make sure
their dreams are not downed in mid flight, with no one around to notice in time.

I could not save the dragonfly that day, and some of all of our dreams meet the same fate,
but it is worth the effort to pay attention to all the people in our lives, and to be aware
that we matter, in small ways and great, to give a lift to the wings our souls all yearn to find. 

Trudi Ralston.
February 11th, 2016. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Squaring the Circle

Il ya des reves qui nous suivent comme les ombres de notre vie.
Ils jouent une musique que personne n'entend, meme pas nous memes
sauf parmi les etoiles et les lumieres de la nuit.

Vous etiez la, souriant, gentil, patient, entoure de tous vos amis du passe
et present. Un cercle enorme vous entourait, comme des vagues d'un ocean.
Le temps une chanson fluide, je me trouvais aussi dans ce cercle clair et grand.

La joie d'etre dans votre monde, dans ce livre couvert du parfum de la Vallee des Roses,
me rendait aveugle pour un temps d'un fait troublant :
j'etais dans un cercle moi - meme, beaucoup plus petit, dont je ne trouvais pas la sortie.

Meduse cherchante une isle visible sous un soleil aveuglant,
j'essayais de trouver une voix parmi la foule et les rires encerclants ma vie.
Je sentais votre presence et souci gentil envers le mystere de mon isolement.

Dans la lumiere et son soleil du jour, le reve et ses acteurs s 'echappent.
Je mets mon silence comme un pullover manque, la scene nue avec le reve disparu.
L'eau chaude d'une douche efface ce qui me reste de la nuit et ses fantomes enchantants.

Squaring the circle is what I have to do, although the ancients already knew it cannot be done.
I keep pushing the boundaries of the net around me, fighting to free my mermaid heart and its songs.
Squaring the circle is what I am asked to try, the impossible my task with the rise of each dawn. 

Trudi Ralston.
February 10th, 2016.
Pour Dr. Driss Ouaouicha. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Il y a ces jours

Il ya ces jours ou le soleil m'accompagne comme un air de guitare,
dans les ombres les plus dormilons de mon ame.
Je chante et danse dans ces jours de joie
comme une enfant en vacances,
mon coeur une mer brilliante avec des plages blanches.

Tout bouge, tout s'arrete et le temps passe lentement
comme la caresse d'un amant.

Miel et feu, douceur et extase,
je suis oiseau libre, sur et sauvage,
la lumiere mes ailes et mon courage.

Il ya ces jours ou le bonheur m'accompagne,
beau, fort, et fou de ma presence.
Seule avec le souffle du ciel bleu clair autour
de mon sourire, le mystere d'etre un gout chaud
et rassurant.

Trudi Ralston.
February 9th, 2016.
Une chanson de printemps pour un ami
dans les montagnes d'Ifrane. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Conspiracy Theory

Yesterday I reviewed Part One of Lord Baldwin's new double music album, " A Flash Of Brilliance ".
Part Two is equally enthralling, musically, lyrically. This part of the album is an intellectual journey giving voice to a lot of the anxieties our world today plagues us with. The opening song of Part Two, " Conspiracy Theory " is deeply introspective and sets the mood for this poetic exploration of the world as it presents itself these days, full of shadows and duplicities. The unease is real, the questions unnerving. The song " I Shudder To Think ", explores a dream about a dystopian world where man has lost his moral compass. The song has a Tom Waits feel in the voice and emotions, that effectively underlie the anxiety and disbelief. " Thanatophobia ", exploring the anxieties of modern life, not the least of which is the fear of mass destruction due to a nuclear holocaust, is a surprisingly lyrical piece that beautifully expresses a longing for resolve and peace of mind, with the very effective instrumentation of a mournful and warning trumpet as if sounding from biblical times, a clever detail. "Replaced By A Robot " is a slyly humorous take on the escalating mechanization of life at the expense of the human component in the workforce. The harmonica in this song is a real treat. " And All For What ? " rings true to Neil Young in its mastery of voice and melancholy, a simply stunningly crafted poem deploring man's selfish exploitation of his fellow humans.  " Secret Societies " sent a chill up my spine. Against the backdrop of exquisite pianoplay, Lord Baldwin has President John F. Kennedy speak the famous warning before his untimely demise about the threat of a new world order at the hands of a global secret society bent on eliminating democracy. In a turn towards a more personal take on this interlude, " Spinning Plates " is a clever song about trying to juggle the challenges of being overburdened by life's relentless demands. " I Been Hearing Things " is a touching lovesong, whose colours are reminiscent of early Beatles songs in its guitarwork. With the last four songs, Lord Baldwin returns to the global concerns. " Nowadays " talks candidly about the world becoming a colder place emotionally and socially, with the instrumentation painting hints of the music of Jean Michel Jarre. " Things Will Get Better " is a bittersweet take on the realities of an unsure economic future.
This double album " A Flash Of Brilliance " is richly layered, emotionally, musically, intellectually and lyrically. Lord Baldwin visits us as a bard who comes to share his riches, the riches of his life's experiences shared with generosity of heart and mind. It is a journey both personal and universal, expressed with warmth and wisdom, connecting us not just to his soul and art, but to the realization we are all in this dumbfounding experience called life together, and that in the camaraderie of this togetherness there is hope, strength, courage and redemption. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

A Flash Of Brilliance

Lord Baldwin, my favorite bard in these parts, has done it again. His new double music album bristles with wisdom, talent and warmth, the songs are a treat for the heart and mind. It never fails, every time I become a bit too cynical about life in the US these days, a visit to Chester Baldwin's music sets me straight. There is no better or more pleasant tonic for the blues. A musician skilled in the best American tradition of folk music, Chester not only writes all his songs but also performs all the music on a number of instruments, my favorites being his piano and harmonica, and then cleverly puts everything together in a seamless presentation that is always impressive for its array of colour in both the lyrics and music. It seems to me that Lord Baldwin's music is just getting better with time. "A Flash Of Brilliance " exudes warmth, wisdom, deep emotion and an insight into both himself and life. So far I have only listened to Part One of the double album. The opening song of Part One, "Back to the Grind", has great energy and great instrumentals. It leaves you with a positive vibe, in spite of the song being a lament on the drudgery of daily work. The songs always impress me with how varied the moods are of each of them. There is an element of dignity, beauty and poetry given to life's daily challenges. "Dream Your Troubles ( To Sleep)", is a gorgeous lullaby, deeply moving and melancholic, saturated with the wisdom of a loving grandfather singing a grandchild to sleep. I like the hint of Caribbean flavour in the unusual sketch of  " I'm Flying Over Your Head".
With time, Chester's voice is gaining more depth, more warmth and nuance. His songs are soul therapy for a hardened world. I truly enjoyed the fine tuned balance between introspective songs in Part One, and the energetic, extroverted ballads, like "John Bear,.... John Bows". Great, great harmonica in that song! The song " No One's Coming After All ", is a touching tribute to his late father, who was a stage actor, and it is also a candid reflection on the challenges and heartbreak of being a talented artist struggling for recognition, a plight I can sympathize with as a struggling writer and poet. The song " Honey , I Got to Go", is a Baldwin classic, a perfect balance between story line, energy in the instrumentation and voice, brimming with youthful energy. There are 19 songs in this first part of this well worthwhile double album. I am so looking forward to listening and reviewing Part Two. I could do so today, but Lord Baldwin's music is a rich meal for the senses and the soul. I will enjoy the lingering warmth and good feeling of the first part and treat myself and you, to Part Two tomorrow. Don't miss it! "A Flash Of Brilliance " will leave you feeling like you went around on a rocket to a very fun, uplifting, hopeful place : the heart and mind of songwriter, musician and poet Lord Chester Baldwin.