Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Baby Blanket

Recently I have renewed my connection with my brother's ex-wife. It is turning out to be a wonderful experience, and I am truly impressed with Barbara's strong spirit and warm heart. Yesterday I found back a sweet baby blanket that had slipped between the narrow side of our water bed that is very close to the wall, and  every so often, in spite of every effort for this not to happen, a sock, or mp3 player, or tissue will disappear between the narrow space. I was amazed to find the first baby blanket I used to nurse my son. It was just the right size to keep him warm and cozy on those cold winter days. When I was pregnant, my mother mostly ignored me. I got one small care package in those nine months. At the time, both my sisters were still alive, and they too, completely ignored my pregnancy. Mind you, I was 34, and pregnant for the first time, after thinking it was a lost cause after trying for 6 years. Anyway, my brother and Barbara were still married, and had two small children. Barbara sent me a big box with beautiful baby clothes, too small for her son who was 5 years older than my brand new baby boy. In the box was also the sweet baby blanket. It was white, with a fringe, super soft, and had two white bear cubs jumping rope, singing. I loved that blanket, and I think that is was timely to find it now that I am establishing a friendship with Barbara. I do not know if she realizes how much that gift touched my heart in view especially of how the women in my own family had ignored me. One of the outfits in the box that was filled to the brim, was a baby blue pair of soft corduroy  overalls, decorated with a baby raccoon holding a red balloon. To this day, that outfit is hanging on Nicholas's wall, and it brings a smile to my face every time I look at it. I know Barbara suffered in her marriage, and it is a good feeling to become friends with her, as my brother has not wanted any contact with me for many years now. The baby blanket  is a symbol not just of a sweet moment in the past, and of the bitter sweet experience of realizing time irrevocably goes by, but it is now also a symbol of renewal, of hope at the unexpected joy and comfort of a new found friend from long ago.

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