Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Who We Really Are

Words connecting us on our walk through life
reminding us how to find our way.

People meeting us eye to eye, listening to our hearts
as we follow the music of our hopes and dreams.

Steady, rhythmic as the beat of the ocean's timeless waves
life drums out a story, of light and shadows patterned to the fabric of time.

I know you, why would I not, we know each other, how could we not.
Friends, family, neighbours, we all are one.

Yet I wonder, who we really are, as we dance our steps
as best we can and try to keep the song in our hearts strong.

There is only so much the mirror can tell us all,
and we never see ourselves at all, only the light bouncing silently off each other's souls.

Who we really are is dust off the gods' magic wands
as the stars align to the light and the slumbers of our nights.

Trudi Ralston.
August 17th, 2015.

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