Monday, February 27, 2017

The Space Between the Words

On quiet days, when rain sings its distracted melodies, and clouds drift low and stoically,
the small shadows between words of friends recalled are genteel visitors reminding me
of peaceful moments that drift like small sailboats near the shores of my beating heart.

There is such sweetness in tenderness recalled, wrapped in silent and tender refrain,
on those days when solitude wears like a soft and familiar sweater, and brings a smile
where perhaps on a less merciful sunrise hope might be met with a bitter taste.

Time flows like a breeze on a benevolent sea, with the sun and stars above in
playful synchronicity, seagulls keeping pace with the relaxed step of my memories,
as I gather new strength and energy for days of less bright light and harmony.

Poised to accept the winds of destiny, I welcome the warmth of today's reveries,
thankful for good friends along the way that help me get from here to there, by
reaching out with silent but sonorous touch to ease the burden of my life's uneven path.

Trudi Ralston.
February 27th, 2017.  


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