I was born to be strong, born to be unwaveringly, simply strong.
It was not to be clever, not to be noticed, not to turn heads,
not to sing or dance, to march or accuse.
I was born to be strong.
Dragging my swampy roots through the rains and the storms,
beating down the winds that howl and blind my tired eyes,
roaring like a lion, alone on that deserted plain,
there is no doubt, there is no other way,
than I was born, yes, I was born, to be strong.
I was not born to be unique, to be noticed in any way,
no, I was born to be strong, to try to break free,
not to give up, as those chains weigh me down,
I was born, I know I was born to be strong.
Invisible, struggling for a voice, screaming into the deafening silence,
I walk, walk, pulling my feet out of the tangles all around me.
I was born to be strong, it is so clear to me with each passing day,
that nothing else comes even close, that I will not break that frozen sky above.
I was born, not to be set free, I was born to howl in solitude.
I was born, oh yes, I was born, to be, to be, to be strong.
Not to cry, not to mourn, not to fear, or run.
I am here, a rock in a swirling stream,
standing still, as the waters run free around my stiffled soul.
It is what I was born to be.
Strong. The only dignity that was left to me.
So I scream and no one hears, but the ocean's heart pounding its timeless mercy for me.
Trudi Ralston.
May 2nd, 2017.
To be sung in the slow cadence of an old blues song.
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