Monday, August 13, 2012

Heavenly Blue

In our garden right now, we are growing many different flowers, and the most stunning of them is a large light blue Morning Glory, called Heavenly Blue. Morning Glory as flowers are incredibly fragile, their petals whisper soft and delicate. Yet, they thrive in heat, and are able to sustain their large trumpet blooms with just a climbing vine, that at time seems suspended in thin air. I marvel at their strength, their determination. With proper care, they are a marvel of beauty and elegance. It seems that it is hard sometimes for us as humans to give consideration to the efforts needed to maintain our hopes and aspirations. Regardless of how big or small we dream, those dreams matter to us, and the least those around us could do is to respect that attempt. How often has a child been discouraged in a budding talent because a parent or teacher carelessly cut down their efforts. How often has an enterprising adult been discouraged because of a heartless remark by a wife or husband, or friend? Every one's dreams matter, to them regardless of how we may feel about it. The Morning Glory succeeds because it is given a chance. That's all we need to do, give each other a chance, some space, some freedom! So, the next time you feel like criticizing some one's efforts, at whatever it may be, stop. Say something encouraging, you might surprise yourself, it may make you feel good. and maybe, just maybe you are giving someone you say you care about, and sometimes even love, a fighting chance at something wonderful . Each time I look at those stunningly blue Morning Glory, I pray that the next time I try something worthwhile, I will get a word of praise, not indifference or mockery, or jealousy. I hope you will too.

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