J'ai un copain avec qui je maintiens contact via des messages electroniques. Des phrases brefs, des salutations, comment vas t-tu, bonjour, bonne journee, des mots simples. Avec le temps qui passe, ces messages sont devenus une forme d'amitie redecouverte apres une absence de presque 30 ans. On etait amis pendant graduate school au Texas, a Austin. Mon ami voyage beaucoup, et de temps a temps , il a des semaines ou je ne recoit pas de ses nouvelles. Il re appaprait , s'excusant pour le silence, et on se ratrappe et la conversation continue. Cela me faisait penser a un trou. Comme un trou dans une poche qui commence tout petit, et si on ne le coude pas, il devient plus grand. J'espere de tout coeur que le petit trou qui apparait de temps a temps, ne devient pas plus grand, et aspire notre amitie fragile au highway electronique.
I have a friend with whom I maintain contact via electronic messages. Brief sentences, greetings, how are you, hello, have a good day, simple words. With the passage of time, these messages have become a way to rediscover a friendship that was lost almost 30n years ago. We were friends in graduate school in Austin, Texas. My friend travels a lot, and from time to time, there are weeks where I don't hear from him. He then reappears, apologizing for the prolonged silence. That made me think of a hole.Like a hole in a pocket, that starts small, and if you don't sew it up, it becomes larger. I hope wholeheartedly that the little hole that appears from time to time does not become larger, and aspirates our friendship along the fragile electronic highway.
I wrote this in French first ,because my friend was raised speaking Arabic and French, apart from also speaking fluent English too. French is a language I feel very comfortable using as I started learning it in Belgium at age 12.
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