It is winter outside, but never you mind,
I will be alright.
As long as there is a single drop of moisture
out in the air, I will pull it into my soul
and survive, oh yes, I will.
The ground may be dry and my roots may be weary
but never you mind, they will hang on.
One more drop of sweet water, one more
soothing breeze of wind to my heart,
and I will shine, bright and green, you will see.
Sweet as honey on a summer's night,
soft as the grass I dream beneath my feet,
I will pull that water drop to my soul,
and keep the song of my dreams alive.
You will see, I will survive.
Never you mind the cold outside,
never you mind the brittle dirt
between my toes, I will go on,
that road is only as hard as it seems.
Oh, sweet clouds above, don't you give up
on me now.
Trudi Ralston.
December 15th, 2015.
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