Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Break Me

The fifth track on the rock band Pearl Jam 's debut album "Ten " ( 1991), is a song written by vocalist Eddie Vedder with music by guitarist Stone Gossard, titled "Black", and to this day it is a love song that just stirs me to the marrow with its heartbreak and passion. This is a poem inspired by that song, and like " Black", the poem is a soliloquy, remembering an absent lover.
My poem is called " Break Me":

Break Me.

The icy wind howls through my ache for you
as my rage at the loss of you burns away my tears.
I crave the scent of you, the heat and sweat of you
as my breath screams in silence for your touch.

Where are you? Why can't I see your dark eyes anywhere?
You broke me, so decidedly, right in half, the noise
now haunts me at night as you roam my dreams
like a hungry naked rider on a saddle less horse.

If I scream, and yell, like the broken hearted man in " Black ",
will you come back? Will you reach for me, will you kiss me
and hold me tight one last time? Will you forgive, hold my hand
and cry with me, just this once?

Break me, come and break me, and let me be done with this ache
this wound that won't let me be. Why did I meet you, when you
could not be mine without regret and shame?
I scream for you, and no sound comes out.

Only when I listen to " Black " does my voice come back,
as I realize every fiery heart has a story just like mine,
as I am hoping against all hope that you are driving home today
listening to the power of Pearl Jam's song as you scream my name.

Trudi Ralston.
For the dark eyes that drank my soul like night a full moon.
December 2nd, 2014.

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