Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Brush strokes soft and free, full of light and colour
surround me, a happy figure on the canvas of this day,
I hum a cheery tune and breathe in the scented, powdery
air around my eyes and smile.

The cool, clear morning air sticks like honey to the sun,
 the blue expanse and clouds of white and grey,
like yarn are playfully tossed about by a teasing, giddy wind.

I wear you like honeysuckle perfume and sandalwood incense
as I delight at the spark your touch so far away brings to my soul,
as a new message lets me know digitally that you are still there.

I see the spark traverse the globe to land like a neon butterfly
in the backyard of my stories and poems tilled by your kind respect
as I carefully trim the path that some day might briefly carry your step.

The spark a tiny seed I already planted in my heart, surges through
the parts that need some extra warmth, reminding me of Aesop's words:
" No act of kindness, however small, is ever lost".

The quiet, heartfelt touch of your friendship, however far away,
leaving gentle prints alongside mine on this path I now get to pursue
of writing my stories and my poems, a dream held inside for so very long.

Trudi Ralston.
April 22nd, 2015.
Pour un ami, un frere, un guide et un ange guardien,
pour D.O. 

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