How glorious the days of seamless skies within warm clouds and sun.
Sighs deep and warm, content and calm, under the clear dome of day, bright and blue.
Home with my husband and our son, intact, unthreatened, unbent, untouched by fear or harm.
My clan, my pride, my happiness, my hope, together, no rip or gap within, without.
How I treasure those glory days when all is well, as we are together, one blood, one name.
Time flows like water, warm, clear, abundant, free, underneath our firmament of crisp, white stars.
I hum, I sing, my voice one within the small world that is mine and yours and ours.
A circle smooth and strong, with no ridges, no repairs, no dullness or fractured edge.
How glorious the days of seamless skies within warm clouds and sun.
Would they were the only ones I need to know, today and all days to come.
Because I know all too well the days of broken seams and gaping sky,
with wounds to heart and soul ringing in my ears and mind,
and no reach long enough to close the opening above,
that stares down into my eyes, a ravenous wolf with nowhere else to go.
How glorious the days of seamless skies,
when I look up and feel only endless, timeless joy
as we are three, in our small, red, happy home.
Trudi Ralston.
November 6th, 2016.
For Michael and for Nicholas.
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