Monday, August 12, 2013

Pajaro Rojo, Herida Azul

Que cosa fragil pueda ser la amistad. A veces me parece como hecha de alas invisibles y por eso su vuelo puede sufrir dano que toma tiempo de averiguar. Tengo el corazon pesado hoy, porque no se si va sobrevivir una amistad que me llena de paz y esperanza, y no se si es cuestion de tiempo y paciencia, o si es realmente una ruptura en la fabrica de una amistad que yo crei verdadera y sincera. Quizas es simplemente una pausa breve en el ritmo del verano. "There ain't no cure for the summertime blues"? Me imagino que es possible. Estaba pensando en el pajaro que simboliza la felicidad, el pajaro azul, "The Blue Bird of Happiness". Pero por el momento, me parece mas el pajaro rojo, "The Red Bird of Sorrow", el pajaro rojo del dolor. Pajaro Rojo, Herida Azul. Bleeding red bird, blue wound, instead of blue bird of Happiness, red wound bleeding. It would make a cool painting, something Chagall would have done justice. Some friendships come easy, others are constructed cautiously and then become very comfortable and reassuring, others yet take a lifetime to realize their richness. Some friendships remain elusive in spite of mutual respect and tender care. A testimony to the complexity  of human nature and human relationships. Time heals all wounds. Sure, but time is also a great killer, stalking quietly and efficiently. I am not sure yet which way the dice are going to fall on a friendship that I thought had finally beat the dusts of time. "Ce n'est rien, tu le sais bien. Le temps passe, ce n'est rien"... sings the French chansonnier Julien Clerc in one of my all time favorite songs of his. J'espere qu'il a raison, que quoique ce soit qui trouble l'eau de mon amitie en ce moment passera avec le temps, plutot que le temps l'efface. Cela me rappelle ce que disait mon pere des fois: " joe weren,he, lik ne puyt up nen harte wegel", "you gotta try very hard sometimes, like a wet frog on a sharp gravel road". That made me smile at least. Maybe Mick Jagger will be right, that "Time is on my side, yes it is, time is on my side"... Pajaro Rojo, Herida Azul.

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