Saturday, April 7, 2012


Thinking of what my husband means to me made me think of our son, and what joy he continues to bring to our lives.When I think of Nicholas, who I named after Nicholas Nickelby, the courageous young hero of the Charles Dickens novel, I think of abundance. At almost six foot seven, with his long curly hair, broad shoulders and baroque girth, he often reminds me of the musketeers. His sharp, wicked humor, keen intelligence and artistic abilities go with endless energy and enthusiasm and a very insightful, sensitive heart. He also has his father's stoicism, perhaps a Native American trait they inherited through grandpa Ralston. Passion is another word that comes to mind, often vigorously demonstrated in Nicholas' eloquent discussions on a myriad of topics, from politics, literature, astronomy, religion, video games, computer technology and art. He is the gentle giant, who worries if I am sad about something, who becomes very quiet when you inadvertently hurt his feelings, who becomes incensed at any injustice. In some ways, he looks like my brother Bart, who lives in Texas, in other ways the way he gestures when he debates a point, reminds me of grandpa Ralston, and so the past and the future blend together in him, and to me it spells hope. Nicholas is a great storyteller, and paints a vivid picture with great attention to detail, story line, suspense, humor. He often has us roaring with laughter at his anecdotes. I can see him as a stand up comedian, a very effective defense attorney, a video game designer and commentator, and also a loving husband and father, as he is loyal and kind. He calls me "little mama", because even though I am five foot eight, I am dwarfed in size next to him, and I love that. He too, is a person with whom I feel very safe. I hope I get to grow old, so I can be part of his life for many years to come, because the happiness he brings I want to be part of for as long as possible. Two mourning doves just landed on our table in the back of the yard. They come in the early evening, as I put out birdseed every day. They always come together, and their gentle cooing is one of my most favorite bird sounds. Listening to them makes me wish that the world Nicholas will inherit will be one of gentleness, hope and peace, so that the abundance of his heart and spirit can find true expression and fulfillment.

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