Friday, February 9, 2018

Alter Egos and Secret Identities : Lord Baldwin's poignant new musical venture.

I have been reviewing Chester Baldwin's music for a while now, and it is always a rewarding, uplifting experience. I have known Chester's music and loved it for more than 20 years. This album is a gem, pure and simple, and that is just the first of the 2 CD's. Chester's voice is magnificent in this double album. The Olympia bard may have his doubts now and again as to his craft, but he should not be concerned : his music is like a good wine, it just gets better with time. There is a deep artistic and emotional confidence and warmth present in these songs that just is appealing and wonderful to enjoy.
The first song of the first CD is called  " Yesterday's Man ", about coming to terms with getting old. The influence in the melancholy and in the melody evokes the best of Neil Young. The second song is striking, called " Sleepwalking Through Life ", it deals with the illusory nature of reality, and brings to mind the famous " Allegory of the Cave " of the Greek philosopher Plato. The following song, "A Working Man " is a Lord Baldwin classic, nicely reworked from the more rhythmic original version I originally heard 23 years ago. There is a convincing Bob Dylan feel to the feisty mood of the ballad.
" My Brother Hurts Himself " is a dark song about self harm's complex reasoning. It is bone-chillingly honest, with great, haunting instrumentals in the electric guitar. I can see Neil Young doing justice to this surprisingly effective ballad of a difficult and sensitive subject, not unlike Neil Young's " The Needle and The Damage Done ". It is simply a gorgeous song on the part of Chester Baldwin.
" Just Not Good Enough " is a bittersweet reflection on the frustrations of being an artist, and the challenges on the path to recognition. Just so Chester knows, many a brilliant artist did not get recognition in their lifetime and became immortal in the world's appreciation of their art and talent after having already left this life.
" Two Dollars Short " is a deeply moving ballad about a homeless man Chester became friends with on a cross country roadtrip many years ago. It moved me to tears, and I am not a person given to tears easily. There is a touching parallel Chester Baldwin makes between his life and the life of the old homeless man, in their pursuit to be free of society's traps and rat race. There is a beautiful harmony in this song between the rebellious spirit and the tragic story of the old man dying with Chester by his side, telling him " I know there is a better road, but I haven't found it yet, this is all you get when you are two dollars short ", and the wisdom of the old man's reasoning that he chose this way of life to " Overcome My Fears ", as Chester concludes the ballad with the same wisdom for his own life.
" For As Long As I Can " is a song about the difficulty to keep finding meaning in life's challenges.
" Broken Glass " is a beautiful poem on the fragility and mystery of life's path and choices, with great instrumentals that have a hint of oriental influences. I was again touched by Chester's consistently strong voice, purposeful and deeply focused in its range and emotions, a voice crystal clear, an instrument of note all on its own.
" The Contract " is a nostalgic song about a gunfighter's dilemma as he gets older, will he be able to keep being ahead of the kill, or will he himself ultimately fall prey to his own philosophy?
" Sometimes These Things Come To Me ", is a reflection on the longing to give, to share. Again, wonderful guitar!  " Stealing Away Again" is a well polished song about the need to find time to just be, to daydream. " So Now What Should I Do " is about transitioning into retirement and the challenges of becoming less visible.
" Carried For So Long " speaks of the legacy of Chester's father's creative spirit reflected back onto his own artistic dreams and talents. One of the last songs on this first CD is called " Got This Lonesome Feeling " , about the challenges of  how to deal with loneliness, a very honest song that is full of warmth and a stubborn hope in spite of its melancholy.
This first CD of  " Alter Egos and Secret Identities " is simply stunning, musically, emotionally, artistically and intellectually. Chester's voice is stripped of all illusions and is the richer, deeper, and stronger for it. His voice has a clarity to it that is hopeful, profound, and the bard may wonder about his legacy, but he is among the best in my book, he is the best the American Heart of folk music has to offer and his best songs can stand next to Neil Young and Bob Dylan. I plan to gather all the reviews I have done of his music and publish them under one collection on Amazon, with one of his poignant self- portraits on the cover, under the title " Chester Baldwin : An Odyssey into the Best of the American Heart ".  

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