Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cannon Beach

For many years now, before our son even turned one, we have been going to Cannon Beach, Oregon in the summertime for extended weekends. I love it there, the beauty of the beaches, the unique vistas provided by Haystack Rock , the friendliness of the town, the good restaurants, the cool shops and boutiques, it is just a happy place to visit  as a family. I grew up near the ocean in Belgium. From the time I could walk , we would spend entire summers at the ocean. So for me, the ocean is ingrained into my being, I think there is probably sea water in my veins. The sunsets are spectacular. One of the most beautiful sunsets I ever saw at Cannon Beach, was just a few days ago when we spent 4 days there. The sun from our inn's balcony looked like a shiny bright pink opal, slowly sinking into the cloud covered sky, that looked like a see through pearl colored silk coin purse. It was breathtaking. I thought back on my family, on how my brother and two sisters and I would spend the whole day on the beach in Oostende. I remembered with a twinge of sadness that it was my brother's 54th birthday, as I watched the gorgeous sunset ,and let the roar of the ocean fill my soul and heart. Happy Birthday, Bart! I realized, like I do each year how we lost each other in the family's disintegration. The last time I saw my brother was in 1998, at Ludwina's funeral.My husband and son mean the world to me. If people would be visible as elements, my husband Michael would be Earth. He keeps me grounded, solid. Our son, Nicholas, would be Water, fluid and enigmatic. I identify with Wind, perhaps with a touch of Fire. Wind symbolizes my thirst for freedom. Being near the ocean allows me to let the wind sink into my being, as it roars in the waves and stirs the scent of the water, wets the sand in the rhythm of the tides. When I have spent time at the ocean, I feel reborn, recharged, calm, satisfied.So the sadness did not linger, when thinking of my brother, and I wished him well as the sun broke through the clouds one last time. Some people , if they were an element would be Fire. A beautiful element, but dangerous, when out of control. My mother was Fire, and when she was done, all that was left, were ashes. Since I identify with Wind, I try very hard to stay clear of Fire, both in my own soul, and in the people that cross my path, as Fire and Wind can be useful together , but also deadly. That is one more thing I love about the ocean, its wise insistence on balance, its knowledge to understand the need for both high and low tides.

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