Yesterday, nature photographer Lotfi Bouslah of Lolo Pics shared a photo that left me transfixed by its incredible artistic precision, when it comes to composition, lines and colours. The photo shows two seagulls in flight, of the beautiful species of seagulls Larus ridibundus, that is known by the popular name of laughing seagull, so named for their joyous cry. Seagulls are in the family Laridae, of which there are 10 genus, which is the category before species, and in this family of 10 genus, there are 55 species, which is the category after genus. The laughing seagull species is striking in this big group, because of the beauty of its finely drawn colours. This seagull measures between 33 and 44cm, with a wingspan of between 89 - 105cm. In summer, the adults have a brown head, but in winter this brown colour disappears, leaving just a dark vertical line behind the eyes, and this dark vertical winter line is very visible in the two seagulls of Lotfi Bouslah's photo. In English, this seagull is called the Blackheaded seagull, which is incorrect, because the colour of the head in summer is brown, not black. This seagull passes the breeding season in Europe and Asia, and passes winter in the more southern regions, like North Africa. This seagull has a pretty white tail that opens up like a fan, and wings and a body that are a pale grey, with black tips on the primary wings. The beak is red with a black tip, and the legs too, are red. It is a very elegant bird. Lotfi Bouslah's photo knows how to accentutate and maximize this beauty, by showing us the two seagulls in flight, side by side, like two dancers, ballerino and ballerina, in a moment of perfect synchronicity, facing forward, a sublime moment of total concentration on the part of the seagulls, who the nature photographer has managed to give a bewitching flair with the subtle allusion of a blue shadow around the eyes of the birds, which adds a dramatic energy to this inimitable pas de deux. It is a photo that fascinates because it has all the elements perfectly aligned, it is a unique visual masterpiece, almost in defiance of the laws of speed, time and space, with the wings of one of the seagulls ascending, and the wings of the other seagull descending, just like a moment of a carefully choreographed ballet. Bravo, bravissimo to photographer Lotfi Bouslah! It is a photograph that makes one dream, on the rarity in life of magical moments, in love, in friendship, where the universe favours us, and how one must appreciate these pauses that the stars and their whims allow us from time to time, which put us briefly outside of the limitations and laws of ordinary reality. One imagines oneself at the scene of a beautiful Russian ballet, with the magic of the colours and the artistic movement on the part of the dancers at the moment of the apotheosis of the dance, with all the elements of music, passion, drama, light, costumes, make - up, perfection of the dance, with the artistic and physical harmony between the dancers at a 100%, and us, the public, breathless witnesses to this magnificent apotheosis of a beauty with surreal touches. Photography is an art, there you have once more the unquestionable evidence with this completely bewitching and unforgettable photograph.
Trudi Ralston
The research on the world of the seagulls and the seagull Larus ridibundus, courtesy of Wikipedia.
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